10 Favorite Immune Boosters for Rest and Recovery

How do you dodge a cold? “Oh, I just take this mushroom supplement when I feel a tickle in my throat and I don’t get sick.” Wow, that would be amazing! Everybody’s got their go-to illness prevention and remedy strategy. Echinachea, zinc, vitamin C, etc. Whether these are placebo effect or real, most of the time - they can’t hurt.

I realized this week that my favorite immune system related remedies are not just to avoid and get away from being sick, but also about enjoyment, rest and self-care.

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Maybe immune system remedies prevent sickness, maybe they don’t. I’m not going to claim that anything on this list will *save* you from getting ill. It’s unfair and unrealistic to make that promise. The human body is extremely intricate and complex and I believe illness has a purpose. But, that’s a discussion for another day.

All of these suggestions come from my real life and they do make illness more tolerable for me when it arises. They also make every day life, sans sickness, more pleasurable. These all help me relax and rest. And that definitely helps the body, the mind and the spirit.

10 Immune System Boosters

  1. Vitamin C and D. What’s not to love about the vibrant colors and flavors of strawberries, lemon juice, oranges, kale, sweet potato, and red peppers? Yum! Liquid vitamin C is tasty and sweet and vitamin D has been shown to help prevent the flu. I take both Vitamin C & D as supplements. Our local pediatrician highly recommends D as one of the few vitamins (along with probiotics) to give our children. That says a lot about its power to me.

  2. Outdoor time. Warm sunshine nourishes my spirit and when it’s cloudy, the natural light transfers energy through my body. The subtleties of nature, like leaves blowing in the wind or clouds rolling across the sky help me slow-down, rest, calm and rejuvenate. Also, there’s research demonstrating that fresh air during illness aids in faster recovery and reduced intensity of sickness.

  3. 8-9 hours of night sleep + daily nap. The human brain runs important programs at night while we sleep. I like handing over my problems to this incredible system to sort through while the rest of my body relaxes. For me, there’s a huge difference in how I feel between 7-8 hours and 8-9 hours of sleep. We all know that sleep is essential when ill, the body forces it. You need it when you are healthy too.

  4. Steam baths. I run a hot shower into a tub filling with water. Simple. Epsom salt, lavender, eucalyptus and rose petals are some of my favorite add-ons to soothe my senses and help me relax.

  5. Smoothies. Spin some strawberries, OJ, kale or spinach, avocado and blueberries into a blender tornado and boom, you’ve got a delicious way to ingest fresh, raw nutrients. Smoothies are a bonus with kids, it’s how I sneak greens into them and it makes clean up easy. Just a cutting board, knife, blender and a few cups to wash.

  6. Mushrooms. Meaty, reishi mushrooms have seeped into our bone broths this year. When heated, mushrooms release immune boosting powers. I love meals that include mushrooms. Sautéing shiitakes with oil and salt has tantalized my taste buds all week.

  7. Skiing and Hiking. Feeling my heart beat in my chest and lungs devour fresh air helps me feel alive and well. Even if I am a little sick, I check in with myself on how much movement might be okay that day, because it almost always boosts my mood and energy - which has a ripple effect.

  8. Deep breathing. Filling your lungs with air and stretching them can significantly relieve stress for most people. Lowering stress benefits your body and your immune system. Deep breaths help me slow down, become present and feel my faith.

  9. Carrot Ginger Lime Soup. Imagine waking up to a creamy, earthy, filling meal that has a subtle sour zing to perk you up. I eat a pureed soup for breakfast every morning. I cook a big batch once a week, which makes breakfast simple and easy to drink while I care for little people. Then, no matter what else I eat that day, I’ve got a foundation of veggies from the morning.

  10. Connection. Being with people I love in meaningful conversations and play is mood boosting. We all need human connection. Social distancing during illness and pandemics doesn’t have to mean social isolation. You can still engage using technology.

There are so many more ways to love on yourself….dancing, music, meditation, chanting, etc.

How do you indulge yourself so to support your immune system and your body?