
How to create the best exercises for your favorite sport

How to create the best exercises for your favorite sport

Starting over is hard.  Especially when you were so in love!  Did you ever have to take a break from your favorite sport?  Have you injured yourself and had to stop doing something you really enjoy?  Injuries are a set-back no one wants to experience.  Yet we all know what pain feel like.

Stability and Strength for the Ski Season

Stability and Strength for the Ski Season

The leaves are falling here in Montana and so is the rain on occasion, which means something white and fluffy will be falling very soon!  Southern California, I miss you, but I am soooo excited for my first FULL SKI SEASON in ten years!  For those of you who share this passion or have clients who love skiing, I have an exciting video and article just for you...

If you aren't a skier, don't worry - you will still benefit from the anatomy review of the primary leg muscles!

Three Strategies for Injury Prevention

Three Strategies for Injury Prevention

Prevention is a popular term in healthcare today.  More than ever people want to prevent problems before they arise.  This is easier said than done, especially when it comes to musculoskeletal injuries!  Accidents will happen.  Aside from the mistakes made that lead to injuries, there are ways to lessen the probability of hurting your joints.  Awareness is key for injury prevention.  Review the terms mentioned in the video to bring more mindfulness to your favorite activities. 

Biomechanics of Shadows

For a more thorough analysis, here are some suggestions for observation: Do you arms swing away from your body the same distance? When you shift weight to one leg to step does your torso shift evenly? Do your shoulders and hips rotate the same on both sides? What happens if you see an asymmetry and try to correct it?